About Us
Performance in People was established in 2000 and has organically grown to become the largest UK mystery shopping company with over 90 head office staff and more than 35,000 field-based operatives, providing services to some of the world’s leading brands
We are defined by our core values
Our Awards and Certifications
Sustainability & Social Responsibility
Performance in People is committed to ‘green’ environmental initiatives, working towards a carbon-neutral working environment.
As part of these green initiatives, we have installed solar panels at our offices, generating 17.5kWh in electricity, considerably reducing our energy consumption. We have a fully electric company car and free EV charging facilities for staff and clients
Social Responsibility
We take our role as a community employer seriously and our desire to support local causes, by running regular charity events organised by our internal social committee. Charities are selected each quarter and are usually based on something close to our employees’ hearts. Past events include World Alzheimers day, Brew Monday, Jolly Jumper Day, Muddy Bull Run, Tough Mudder, Shoebox appeal and many more. We match fund any money raised by staff and encourage employees to take a paid day to volunteer with a local good cause.