Last week (26th September), we welcomed the media team from Audi UK to record some footage for their upcoming national conference.
Audi UK achieve record-breaking scores
Audi UK is creating a promotional video to share its success in customer service performance through the utilisation of the award-winning Behavioural Measurement Score® (BMS®). Their network has achieved record-breaking BMS® scores, propelling Audi UK up the BMS® league table for their excellence in customer experience.
How did they do it?
Not only has Audi UK been influential in engaging their network with the BMS® methodology, but alongside a comprehensive training roll-out of the BMS® direct course – they have been able to equip their UK network with the invaluable tools and knowledge of delivering an excellent customer service experience through delivering great behaviours!

Audi UK and PiP relationship
Audi UK has been working with Performance in People (PiP) since 2016 – working together on delivering a variety of mystery shopping activities to their network including video, telephone, email and virtual.
Consistency is key
Audi UK has demonstrated that having a focus and drive for consistency in BMS®, training and mystery shopping has proven successful in CX excellence – and increasing the customers' propensity to purchase and return.
What is BMS®?
PiP developed the Behavioural Measurement Score® (BMS®) as a tool to objectively define and measure the key visual and audio behaviours that impact most on the customer experience. Whilst business processes are still important, PiP recognises that it’s how the customer is made to feel, through the application of the right behaviours, that will influence the overall customer experience and the decision of whether the customer decides to buy and/or return. There are 6 key behaviours are each behaviour is measured on a scale of 0-5, by following a comprehensive characteristics library with support definitions. BMS® is scored internally by our CX experts who are fully trained and regularly audited to ensure consistency and fairness in scoring.

If you would like to find out more information about the Behavioural Measurement Score® methodology contact us directly; we’d be delighted to hear from you. or 01983 568080