Prizes, pizza, fun and games at PiP’s bi-annual State of the Union

Last Friday 3rd March, was Performance in Peoples (PiP’s) bi-annual State of the Union. The theme of the day was the titled ‘The PiP Games’ – staff were left in mystery for the weeks leading up to the event about what this entailed...

Last Friday 3rd March, was Performance in Peoples (PiP’s) bi-annual State of the Union. The theme of the day was the titled ‘The PiP Games’ – staff were left in mystery for the weeks leading up to the event about what this entailed. We have a big competitive bunch at PiP, so people were itching to find clues and figure out what ‘the games’ involved…!


We kicked off the day with a surprise ‘what’s in the cup’ game where all staff had the opportunity of winning some prizes from chocolates and sweet treats, to shopping vouchers and bottles of bubbly, with the main big prize of a 50” Smart 4k UHD LED TV won by Liam Connor, a Quality Controller in one of our Video Mystery Shopping Teams, whose name was randomly pulled from the hat - congrats Liam!


We then held a business review for all staff, which included our CEO, Mike Dalloz, and COO, Alex Breingan, giving everyone a run down on performance over recent months, and big plans/projects for the future. We are an open book at PiP and like to get our people involved and share projections, company stats, goals and future plans with our workforce.


Then everyone was raring to go with fun head-to-head team challenges throughout the day! We held a game in different offices around our HQ incorporating some popular TV gameshow themes including; Countdown, House of Games, Lingo, The Cube, Catchphrase, The Hit List, and an out of the box challenge that tested peoples Senses (Touch, Taste, Smell and Sound).


We ordered a Domino’s Pizza lunch for everyone to fulfil their appetites ready for games throughout the afternoon, and by 15:30 everyone was back to base and ready to find which team was taking the glory… however, there was a twist! The top 2 highest scoring teams faced a final ‘newspaper outfit’ battle where one of their team members was subjected to wearing and cat walking their teams best attempt at producing an iconic and fashionable ensemble. Watch the video below to find out who took the PiP Games 2023 crown. The winning team won a gift bag of goodies which included some celebratory chocolates and fizz, an Isle of Wight Gift Voucher, and a prestigious PiP winners mug to show off around the office!

A big thank you to all our volunteer gameshow hosts and event runners for putting on a fantastic, and memorable day for everyone!