Performance in People (PiP) developed the Behavioural Measurement Score® as a tool to objectively define and measure the key visual and audio behaviours that impact the customer experience. Whilst business processes are still important, PiP recognises that it’s how the customer is made to feel through the application of the right behaviours that will influence the overall customer experience and the decision of whether the customer decides to buy and/or return.
Each behaviour is measured on a scale of 0-5:

PiP has listed below a number of top tips you can apply which will help improve your overall BMS® performance measured within your visual or telephone mystery shop:
- If you’re new to BMS® choose one of the key behaviours and review the positive characteristics. Then choose 3 or 4 specific characteristics that you would be likely to use during your customer interactions. Repeat for each behaviour until it becomes a habit.
- Remember, you only have to display 3 positive behaviours (and no negatives) to get full marks for a behaviour!
- Get some BMS® merch to have around the workplace, such as posters, mousemats, notebooks, mugs and water bottles. This will help you to become familiar with the behaviours, and a daily reminder to be more friendly, enthusiastic, professional, interested, attentive and helpful!
- When reviewing your mystery shop, ask yourself the following questions:
- Review your mystery shop recording before looking at your BMS® scores. Take time to self-reflect on what you think you scored. How does this compare to what you actually scored? Understand any differences.
- If you were the customer, how would you feel?
- When serving the customer, were you actively trying to give them a great experience? If not, why not? Can you influence this?
- Where do you think you could have done even better? Which characteristics could you have achieved or avoided (if there are any negatives scored)?
- If this is not the first time you have been featured in a mystery shop, do you think that the customer experience had improved since last time? What specifically made it better, or what specifically made it less good?
- Which characteristics are you going to focus on achieving next time?
- Think about behaviours outside of your work. When you’re a customer, think about your experiences and ask yourself how you would score them on BMS®? How does this compare to the service you deliver?
If you would like to find out more information about the Behavioural Measurement Score® methodology and how it’s scored contact us directly; we’d be delighted to hear from you. or 01983 568080.